Weather is disruptive.
We help you know what can and will happen.
- Two-week to two-year weather forecasts
- Generated weather data for present and future climates
- Industry analytics built on these two products
With two ways to access our data:

Web Viewer

Weather and climate analytics built for
We tell you which types of weather and climate events can happen.
And, we tell you which ones will happen over the next weeks to years.
Forecasts for every location across the globe
- Lead times of two weeks to two years
- Translated into industry-specific metrics, such as energy production
- Updated forecasts issued every day
- Available via an intuitive API and web application
1,000 years of observations
- Statistics for weather and climate events that can occur, but have not yet been observed
- Generated for every location on Earth
- Available via an intuitive API and web application
Backed by a premier scientific agency of the United States of America
Our technology has been reviewed, approved, and funded by the National Science Foundation. You can think of this as a world-class audit of our technology.
Learn about how we earn your trust