Predictive analytics for two weeks to two years into the future, issued every day.
Generated using a careful combination of AI and physics.
With two ways to access our forecasts:

Web Viewer

Forecasts designed to help you make your next decision.
Our forecast products prioritize ease-of-use, accuracy, and flexibility.
We translate our forecasts into industry-specific insights that are useful for the renewable energy market, algorithmic decision-making, and financial markets.

We offer forecasts for conventional climate variables and industry-specific metrics.
Climate Variables
Wind Speed and Direction
Solar Irradiance
Industry Analytics

- Renewable energy production forecasts, including wind and solar power
- Site-specific for each wind farm and solar farm across the world, or separated into US trading markets
- Decades of backtesting data to validate our accuracy and train your own models

Commodities and Agriculture
- Hourly weather data conditioned on each long-range forecast for input into commodities and agricultural production models
- Information for specific farming regions, aggregated at spatial scales relevant to your portfolio

- Estimate likelihoods of parametric weather contract pay-outs
- Forecasts downscaled into hourly, daily, and monthly statistics to flexibly align with your underwriting needs
- Provide your customers with warnings to reduce impacts on their assets and improve customer trust
And, our forecasts have the details you need to make an informed and calibrated decision.

Forecasts updated every day, with flexible lead times
Our forecasts are updated every day, so you can make decisions using the freshest data.
We offer continuous lead times, which means you can forecast a set of dates one day in advance, eight days in advance, or weeks in advance (get creative!).
Decades of backtesting data
All of our forecast products have backtesting data covering at least two decades.
You can use these backtests to optimize your models to historical conditions.
We validate our forecast accuracy using these backtests, and we give you access to these accuracy metrics.

Probabilistic and single-value forecasts
The atmosphere is chaotic, so we generate hundreds of forecasts to model all possible outcomes. You can use these forecasts to make probabilistic decisions.
Or, we can provide you with single-value forecasts if you would prefer not to use probabilistic information.
Climate forecasts translated into weather impacts
We convert our multi-week and multi-month forecasts into information about what may happen on hourly or daily timescales.
We can't tell you which day an extreme weather pattern will occur over the next few months. But, we can tell you the chances of it happening throughout the forecast period.